Friday, April 20, 2012

Use What You Have- Salmon, Green Bean, and Cannellini Salad

Sometimes I hesitate to post a recipe because I feel it's too ordinary, elementary, run-of-the-mill, boring, etc etc.  But then I'll stumble on a recipe on another site that is equally ordinary, but either the ingredients or flavor profile will give me inspiration and/or a jumping off point for a new recipe of my own.  So what the heck- maybe this will inspire you too.  And if not- it is an easy, filling, and nutritious salad for any lunch or dinner.

Salmon, Green Bean, and Cannellini Salad
1 bag of your preferred salad mix, or one head of your fave lettuce, chopped
1 cup grape tomatoes
1 can cannellini beans
2 green onions, chopped finely
2 cups green beans, cooked, (mine were those frozen steamer bag kind) and chopped
1 can of pink salmon (I get the large can that has skin and bones in it- the whole thing is edible and there are tons of extra nutrients in it)
juice of one lemon
3 tbsp Meyer Lemon EVOO, or plain EVOO
S&P to taste

Throw your lettuce, tomatoes, onion, rinsed and drained beans, and chopped cooked green beans in a large bowl.  Then add in chunks of salmon.  Salmon is a great alternative to tuna as it does not have high levels of mercury- look for wild salmon.  Do you have kitchen shears?  If not- get some! They make chopping veg way faster and easier.  I use mine daily.  They are especially useful for cutting things up into manageable toddler bite-sized morsels.  I didn't even bother cutting up the grape tomatoes.  Throw in some salt and pepper and squeeze your lemon over the top, then drizzle some EVOO on top and toss.  This will be better after an hour or two in the fridge.  This salad is definitely a meal.  Super hearty from the beans and a nice serving of protein.

What is your "go-to" salad?  I have to admit, many times "salad" is really just greens with some vinaigrette.

I'm also starting to think seriously about formulating my own, customized, grain-free all purpose flour.  I love almond flour- but it's just too dense.  I love coconut flour too, but I find I much prefer coconut flour baked goods when they are combined with another flour.  It's tough because a lot of grain free flours are too starchy for me- so it will probably entail a lot of experimenting and trial and error.  Any tips, suggestions, or ideas?  Anyone bake with chestnut, hazelnut, or quinoa flour?  What about using a small amount of chickpea flour?  I want to stay away from arrowroot, and tapioca.  Any ideas are much appreciated!

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